6 years ago
Kim Demers
Karen Turmel
Save the Date: Opioid Awareness Seminar...See guest speaker
Dr. Ruth Potee, May 3, 2016 6:00pm at the Bellamy Middle School.
Hello Everyone
For your information, attached is a fact sheet on the EV-D68 virus. Please feel free to call with any questions or concerns. As of this time, we have not had any students diagnosed with this virus but we are tracking upper respiratory type illness.
Remember to remind your students to wash their hands or at the very least use hand sanitizer!!
Joyce O'Neil, MBA, BSN, RN
Important information regarding Swine Flu:
Centers for Disease Control Swine Influenza Web Site
CDC Swine Influenza Recommendations
Massachusetts Specific Swine Flu Information
Ebsco Influenza - Swine Flu
Visit these helpful links:
Chicopee Schools Health Department
Frequently Asked Questions about Staphylococcus aureus (Staph infections)
Important information regarding Chicken Pox/Meningitis
Important information regarding Allergies/Gardasil
Symptoms and Signs of Diabetes
Physical Requirements for Sports
Every student playing a sport must have a current physical on file with the nurse prior to the start of practice. According to MIAA rules, physicals are good for 13 months from the date of the physical with your doctor. Check with the nurse to see if your physical is current. Physicals should not be given to the coach but submitted directly to the nurse.
Ways to Prevent The Flu
The flu season will soon be upon us. the following are measures you can take to help yourself:
- Good hand hygiene: people should wash hands or use alcohol hand rubs or gels after being in public or after contact with anyone with a cold or the flu. hands should be washed before and after eating, after using the bathroom and after sneezing or coughing.
- Cough etiquette: when coughing, one should turn the head and cough or sneeze into a disposable tissue and promptly dispose of the used tissue; or cough into the inside of the elbow if a tissue is not available.
- Avoid close contact (holding, kissing): between infants and anyone who has a cold or the flu.
- Do not share things that go into the mouth: such as drinking cups, straws, etc. If people are experiencing respiratory symptoms with a fever, they should refrain from public activities for at least five days (maximum infectiousness last 3-5 days in adults and up to 7 days in children) to prevent spread of infection.
- If someone has severe or prolonged flu-like illness, they should seek medical attention.
Medication in school
As a rule medication is not to be given in school. Medicine is treatment and as such is not part of the school health services. In most cases, pupils who are on prolonged medication can have the dosage adjusted so the routine time for taking their prescription will come while they are out of school. It is the exceptional case where emergency dose is to be given during school hours and this is only when covered by:
1. Written, signed and dated request with instruction for dispensing medication from the child’s physician.
2. Written, signed and dated request from parent.
The bottle of medicine shall be issued by a pharmacist and the label shall have the:
1. Name of child
2. Name of physician
3. Name and strength of medication
4. The amount of dosage
5. Schedule for administration of the medication
If you have any questions please feel free to contact your school nurse,
Joyce O'Neil, RN at 594-3437 ext. 2117, Room 117